Regulatory Room = Expectations Room

In Dusseldorf, the regulatory Room realized that our scope is ‘Expectations’, including (social/governmental) regulations, (economic/client) requirements and (environmental/third-party) recommendations.

So we are on the left side of ‘systems engineering’ with most of BIM sitting on other side!

Does that make us more interesting or over-ambitious?

If I understood correctly, the room has to focus on the whole process from proposing OpenBIM as a solution to everyone wants to start a project to support the definition of sustainable requirements for the OpenBIM market, that is very close to managing expectations actually.

In my mind however EXPECTATIONS, probably for the Latin languages’ translation has a very wide and almost sentimental meaning, looks a little ambitious, but, it’s clear that room scope need to be redefined, and a new name is a good idea.

Talking about alternatives, I still think that “regulatory” is not so bad but maybe reminds too much rules, and reduce somehow the scope to math and calc.

I think that “compliance” could, in case, be a little more representative of a scope including everything to design satisfactory and sustainable requirements and how to satisfy them, especially, but not only, the mandatories ones.