Digitization of the Regulatory Process

The Regulatory Room of bSI works, mainly, to study, promote and facilitate the automation of code/regulation checking. In our upcoming “Open House” in January 2022, we plan to discuss the latest advances in the digitization of the regulatory process. This spans two fundamental domains: the use of BIM as means for automated code checking or regulatory compliance; and the automation of the permitting process itself. The first relates to the technical aspects of using BIM to automatically check on rules/code. The second relates to the use of web-based systems to automate the process of permitting from submission, code checking, approvals/ decision making.

Our Open House is designed as a two-way communication forum. The Steering Committee is interested in listening to users and interested parties as much as it is interested in sharing and disseminating new advances in the domain.

As the basis for preparing our presentation for the January Open House, we are inviting all interested to share with us their expertise, their views, and suggestions as well as their assessment of the current conditions within their jurisdictions, challenges, and opportunities.

The following is a set of basic questions to start the dialogue:

  • · In your country/jurisdiction, how formalized are the permitting documents and tasks?
  • · What is the level of awareness of automated code checking and online permitting in your domain/area of work? Have you considered or participated in any related initiatives/ studies?
  • · In your view, what is the value that is gained by automated code checking and online permitting? What can the regulatory room of bSI do to advance the business case and practices of automated code checking and online permitting?

The Regulatory Room will be holding an ‘Open House’ session to allow anyone with interest to join an open discussion of open standards in various regulatory and requirements processes.

buildingSMART Regulatory Room Open House: 13:00 GMT

Registration arrangements will be added later and publicised through social media.