How to map between IFC and Product Data Templates in buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD)?

The linked document “Mapping product data templates to IFC through bSDD” [1] refers to a document “Mapping IFC to bSDD” [2].
[2] refers to a database (IFC4.SQL) with over 150 tables (much of them have layout-informations) .
This database (as I understood) is now included into the bSDD-database.
The bSDD-database will have now much more than 150 tables.
Who will understand a database with so much tables?

I think, documentation and schema-description are different things.
Shure, the documentation must match to the schema, but this you can do by a checking-procedure.
The reason to divide this is, that you will reduce the problem to combine only
(1) bSDD
(2) ifcSchema (without documentation)

To (1): The repesentation of the bSDD-schema PSD_IFC4.xsd is described at section (D) in Store, modify and retrieve ifc-data with ifcSQL .

To (2):
The repesentation of the EXPRESS-schema is described at section (F) in Store, modify and retrieve ifc-data with ifcSQL .
IFC-data-model from a bird’s-eye view described with UML (extract from picture 2 in IFC for relational databases - ifcSQL:

The next picture show, how to connect bSDD and IFC-types (ER-diagramm from XSD-schema/XML-PSET-files) referring the type-table of [ifcSchema].[Type] in Section (F):

I think, this also could be more simplified: