I came across this link: http://lookup.bsdd.buildingsmart.com/ - however, upon searching for an entry in the “Ifc4 PropertySet” category, I come across Pset_FurnitureTypeCommon
: http://lookup.bsdd.buildingsmart.com/#concept/browse/3hQNE0qUWHuO00025QrE$V
As you can see, it is missing the field Reference
as documented in the latest IFC4 version: http://www.buildingsmart-tech.org/ifc/IFC4/Add2/html/schema/ifcsharedfacilitieselements/pset/pset_furnituretypecommon.htm
What am I doing wrong? Is this the wrong BSDD? Is it out of date? How can I access the BSDD proper, as the link on the BSI homepage takes me to a dead end.