This category is the focal point for discussions around the concept of developing IFC schema extensions and MVDs for Site, Landscape, and Urban Planning design, procurement, construction, and operations.
Thank you for having a common place to start sharing experiences.
Here is a link to ongoing standardization work in Norway which I hope will be useful in further work in this forum.
As part of Statsbygg`s requirements for BIM, Statsbygg is working to standardize IFC objects for Landscape Architecture. “IfcVegetation” is one of those IFC objects that Landscape Architects wants to have standardized. Since IFC2x3 and IFC4 do not have this object, a proposal has been made to use “IfcBuildingElementProxy” and Predefined type “USERDEFINED” as shown in the attached overview. Properties of “IfcVegetation” are taken from previous standardization work in, UK Landscape Institute PDT Flora and other requests for properties according to nursery data, plant description, etc. This is preliminary work that will continue in 2020. Feedback and input can be sent to or