I used IfcDoc to develop a custom mvd for testing purposes, which right now contains only IfcDoor entity.
My question is : How can I use my mvd to export for example in Revit (or other software) to be able to see the results of it.
(In Revit I cannot find a place to put exp,xsd or mvdxml files to see them in the Ifc export menu)
Do you have any suggestion regarding Revit or may be other softwares, for that matter,that I can use?
Thanks ,
The GeometryGym IFC tools allow you to build up an IFC using visual programming, giving you a very fine-grained approach toward creating an IFC with exactly the data you need.
The BlenderBIM Add-on allows you to create IFCs using a nearly identical internal data model to the IFC schema, again, allowing you to have very fine-grained control over exports. Additionally, the IfcPatch tool and BIMTester tool allow you to modify IFC files to exactly the data you require, and validate it in a more flexible and easier manner than using mvdXML. However, it lacks the ability to currently build up an export of specified entities. This is something I do have on the to-do list, however. So you can expect it in a future release of the BlenderBIM Add-on.