openBIM for Infrastructure

Hi All,

I presented a webinar yesterday via DBEI (Digital Built Environment Institute) with some of my personal thoughts and observations on the topic
of the infrastructure extension to IFC. This included some of the changes within the
Release Candidate Standard, as well as some research into comparisons with using
existing schema releases for representing linear infrastructure geometry (ie a 56KB IFC4x1 file
can result in a 100MB proprietary file if the intelligence can’t be preserved). Also some insights
into some work we’ve been doing on efficient downgrade of an IFC4x file.

This webinar is available on the free tier of DBEI for the next 7 days, if you’d like to watch it you can register on this link.
If anyone has comments or questions, I look forward to hearing them.



I can find the “book now” button John. Do i need to register to see it.

Yes, registration on the site is a challenge:)

I am wondering that pylon and deck are spatial elements rather then physical.
Road application I am looking in now treats road parts as physical elements, and not sure I conceived how to map it with IFC.
It seems we have some entities with dual nature and it may produce some issues… Where we stop ‘aggregate’ and start ‘contain’

Why don’t we make it just concrete and steel ‘shapes’. That’s whats being praticed.

Hi Jon, I would be interested in watching it but I’m not finding the “book now” button on that page.
How can I register to it?

Click on the login button in the top right corner and sign up for a free DBEI account. Then you should be able to register for it, and click on the More Info button.

Hi Jon,
Thanks for the information.
I managed to register and log in to DBEI but I’m still not able to find the more info button.
Here’s what I see:

How can I solve it?