New location of schema files (XSD)

The validation of our IFC files does not work anymore, since the XSD-files do not exist anymore on the domain

Where is the new location for this file?

Do I have to change my schema locations or will there be a redirect?

The new location seems to be this:

The request to the “” is redirected to but not to the file directly.

I get " Sorry! That page doesn’t seem to exist."

The file “” is not exactly the same as the file “”, but the changes seems to be minor.

Hi @jwouellette

I think these are good to implement in standards sub-domain website:

  1. build a dictionary list (unlike @pipauwel’s advise) which all can find dictionaries and files easily (instead of searching the sub-domain context on Google)

  2. Update webmasters

Some rewrite rules on the server would be very helpfull.

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Early days when I joined to buildingSMART forum, I suggested to develop IFC schema and documents, it’s better to have a cloud system, “Function as a Service - FaaS” like AWS Lambda

Then you will be able to improve things better, and independently.

You’ve started to follow this in IfcDoc for versioning, but can use this for documents and everything too

If you want speed up IFC development you need a cloud version which your teams be able to work function by function, service by service (microservice)

Here is the official list to all schemas:

we’ve got control over the old servers now. Some help with rewrite rules is welcome.