Hi all,
I’m having any problems about “data type” value to write in .txt file of custom Psets to export from Revit to IFC format.
I need to export in IFC4 the “Flow” Revit parameter expressed in u.m. m3/s.
In IfcMeasureResource schema visible at IFC4-Add2 Documentation the Revit parameter “Flow” correspond to “Volumetric Flow Rate” measure.
If I write “Real” as data type suggested from “IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure” page of IFC4-Add2 Documentation the IFC value results that you can read is expressed in ft3/s.
If I write “VolumetricFlowRate” as data type the value is expressed in m3/s as the IFC4 documentation tells.
I have the same problem exporting “Color Temperature” parameter of Ligthing Fixtures expressed in Kelvin.
Using “ThermodynamicTemperature” as data type the value is expressed in °C in the IFC model
while I have the correct value expressed in Kelvin using “ColorTemperature” as Data Type.
So, there is criteria to associate Data Type to a Measure?
What are the supported data types of IFC4?
There are any list of supported data type from Revit Parameter to IFC I can use?
Thanks a lot,