Tengo un problema al momento de importar mi modelo realizado en Autodesk Revit en la plantilla de estructuras desde el software ETABS, he verificado que todo mis elementos estén asignados a un formato ifc pero me sale un mensaje de error al momento de importar desde ETABS : “Could not find ENDSEC at end of file”.
He realizado la exportación desde Revit con el formato ifc 2x3 2.0, asignando cada detalle. Además, he encontrado en la lista de opciones de ifc dentro del software Revit, que para las grillas el formato ifc aparece como no exportado, me parece raro que aparezca así en todo caso como podría modificarlo para que lo pueda exportar.
Si alguien ha podido realizar esta exportación desde Revit a ETABS haciendo uso del formato IFC, me gustaría que me pueda apoyar con el proceso de exportación e importación para realizar esta investigación de tesis.
I have a problem when importing my model made in Autodesk Revit in the structure template from the ETABS software, I have verified that all my elements are assigned to an ifc format but I get an error message when importing from ETABS: " Could not find ENDSEC at end of file ”.
I have exported from Revit with the ifc 2x3 2.0 format, assigning every detail. In addition, I have found in the list of ifc options within the Revit software, that for the grids the ifc format appears as not exported, it seems strange to me that it appears like this in any case as I could modify it so that it can be exported.
If someone has been able to do this export from Revit to ETABS using the IFC format, I would like you to help me with the export and import process to carry out this thesis research.
Thanks in advance, greetings to the entire community.
Any takers?
@jlsaldanar You might find someone to help here, but you might have better luck on the ETABS Knowledge Base or Customer Support.
Just a very wild guess… having no ENDSEC could indicate file errors, but also may imply that the parser got stuck on something that wasn’t expected. Do you know which schema version is supported? E.g IFC2x3 TC1 or IFC4.1 or …
Or it could even be an encoding problem, e.g invalid characters somewhere which confuse the parser. Is this a Unicode file?
Can you open the ifc in an IFC viewer? Can you look at the IFC in a text editor to see if the file is truncated? Is this STEP or XML?
So go for verification first (file format, data format, syntax) to exclude possible problems before the next step.