About the IFC4.2 Bridge Candidate Standard Review category

This category is for the discussion of the IFC4.2 Candidate Standard. IFC4.2 contains extensions to IFC4.1 addressing the lifecycle of bridges. All feedback regarding the review of the IFC4.2 specification should take place here.

Thank you for the Information!
After first inspection I noticed this:

  • I can not find a bridge example among the examples with the new Elements. Or is this E 15.7 ?
  • In the examples (e.g., E 15.1 through E 15.7), the graphics and tables are not properly linked (not shown or invocatable). The table in E 15.2 can also not be called in IFC 4.1
  • All changes based on 4.1 are listed in “F.10.1 Entities”. Right?

Hi Jeff, The full EXPRESS schema available somewhere ?
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