Specifying data type for table value with multiple data types?

I have a case with requirements for Pset_SoundGeneration/SoundCurve, which is an IfcPropertyTableValue. The table consists of data for frequencies and sound pressures - hence two datatypes (IfcFrequencyMeasure and IfcSoundPowerMeasure. How can I specify the two datatypes of the table property in the IDS syntax?

Hi Frode, the requirement should pass if any of the columns contain the requested data type. So, to achieve what you need, you can have two requirements, one with IfcFrequencyMeasure and the other with IfcSoundPowerMausure and both should pass.

This isn’t covered well by the documentation yet, but is demonstrated by those two test cases:

I see the IDS Audit tool reports an error that there are no allowed data types for SoundCurve, but I believe it’s a mistake. Raised it already here: IFCPROPERTYTABLEVALUE data type · Issue #47 · buildingSMART/IDS-Audit-tool · GitHub.

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Thank you for swift and useful reply Artur! :slightly_smiling_face: