Hi there! I’m going over the installation-type enums, and I have a question regarding the IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum, specifically SPRINKLERDEFLECTOR.
Looking back the previous versions, SPRINKLERDEFLECTOR has been around since at least IFC2x3TC1, and is currently still in IFC4.2.
When would I use SPRINKLERDEFLECTOR (in my eyes a part of a sprinkler), when we have the SPRINKLER Enumeration? Looking at the Psets, there is a specific mention of Pset_FireSuppressionTerminalTypeSprinkler, further enforcing the idea that SPRINKLER is the correct Enum here.
Perhaps this is a similar situation like the deprecated WCSEAT from IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum, but without the description actually mentioning that it should no longer be used?
Kind regards,