Mvdxml improvements

Hi Sergej, Knut and everybody who is interested in mvdXML,

for further discussion please find attached the presentation given at the buildingSMART summit in Düsseldorf (in Spring 2019). The presentation includes a list of topics to be improved in mvdXML 1.2 or beyond.

The goal of mvdXML 1.2 was to work on a list of updates to fix most urgent demands and to be as close as possible to mvdXML 1.1 (so, no substantial changes that would break with current structure).
Beside documentation, most urgent demands are related to model checking. Interest in model filtering was low so far, but seems to increase as well.

Having said that, it would propose to settle down the list of requirements as soon as possible and then to agree on the proposed changes in the mvdXML schema or maybe as a kind of implementer agreement. A lot of people have contributed with proposals already (thanks to them and sorry for the delays on my side).

I would propose the following next steps:

  • Fix the list of new features for mvdXML 1.2 (less urgent extensions could be discussed for mvdXML 2) -> @all: please check the list if urgent change requests are missing
  • Decide about proposed schema changes to finalize the XSD and documentation.

There is a detailed response from Knut to current proposals. @Knut: maybe we use that document to collect further feedback. What is your opinion?

Best regards,