IFC points


I would like to know how a single point created from a design is represented in IFC. I looked in the documentation but couldn’t find any information.

My team and I have looked at many files that contain single points, but they do not appear to be displayed in IFC viewers, so we are interested in an example IFC file that contains points and (if currently possible) can be displayed.

We are aware of ifcpoint subtypes such as ifcCartesianpoint, ifcPointonCurve and ifcPointOnSurface, but we want to know if there is an IFC point entity similar to e.g. “IFCpolyline” for polylines, so we should support it on our end.

Dear Zuhal,

In my perception support for points should be available in the viewers. Although the majority of the content exists of lines, surfaces and solids, points for sure can be defined and important also. Look for example in IfcShapeRepresentation of IFC4 ADD2 TC1 (https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4/ADD2_TC1/HTML/link/ifcshaperepresentation.htm), here you can define point representations.

That many viewers don’t support them is more from practicale perspective in my perception, I see no reason why a (set of ) point(s) could not be defined as a representation in IFC.

Best regards,
