As outlined by @berlotti in our first call in April, here is the proposed list of topics/agendas for each monthly call:
- April 2020: Intro
- May 2020: Do will still want/need objectified relations and their GUIDs?
- June 2020: Late-binding solution
- July 2020: How best to represent object colors?
- August 2020: Do we want/need IfcOwnerHistory?
- September 2020: Resolving overlap of geometric representations IfcAdvancedBrep, IfcFacetedBrep, IfcTessellatedFaceSet, and subtypes.
- September 2020 (ISG): First view of proposed modular IFC5 beta schema
- October 2020: Structural Analysis in IFC
- November 2020: Constraints in IFC
- December 2020: no meeting
- January 2021: Geometry Placements
- February 2021: Formal Property Sets vs. Simple Properties
- March 2021: New IFC5 product inheritance tree
Other suggestions are welcome for later calls.
Remember to refer to the GitHub repository when considering other discussions. Obviously, not everything can be discussed in monthly calls, but the more complex ones seem to be best suited for this type of attention.