Since there is the possibility of federating the various ifc models in a single IFC file, I believe the need will arise to unite all the various ids that validate the various models that make up the federated model. Is there any solution that does this?
I hope I understand your question right.
Personally I don’t see the need for one big IDS for everything. I think I would lose overview and I’m afraid the file will become to big and cumbersome.
Checking for the presence of a Property in a common Pset applies to every model. Checking wether this Property is correct applies to specific elements regardless of the model they originate from.
The requirement is: ‘LoadBearing in Pset_SlabCommon should be true’ applies to element in a structural model. This will not apply to a Floor modelled in my architectural model. So the applicability should be more precise. If you only run this IDS on a structural model, it applies to all IfcSlabs. If you run this on a federated model, you should add another line in the applicabilty to search for structural Slabs.
This is no problem of course but that’s something to be aware of when merging specifications from one IDS into a ‘MASTER’ IDS.
Merging IDS’s might be possible but that depends on the software you use. I don’t know which one does this. You can always copy specifications with Notepad++. If you’re not comfortable with that ChatGPT can help you.
You can also write one big IDS and delete what you don’t need for every seperate aspect model. Or even better set the specifications to ‘MAY HAVE’ and you don’t need seperate ones. You can then just run the big IDS on every model seperate as well as the federated model.
If my project is made up of different disciplines, for example a station with a railway line, I will use different authoring tools, one for the railway and one for the building and then I will federate the ifc models.
yes, it’s possible to combine many IDSes in a federated IDS, but as @MennoMekes pointed, do you really need to? Often it is better to run the checking multiple times but get report split per individual IDS (discipline).
As of now, I don’t know tool supporting such merging, but yes, you can copy-paste specifications using any text editor, just place all parts within <specifications> section.
The logical way is to focus on a discipline or a file to run the test, because the corrections or approvals will be related to that file, which comes from a specific software and specific discipline… I think.