Hi, I am new in the IFC World
I am working in my project to read IFC Files and transfer the data into another own System.
Now I have some IFC-Files with IfcBuildingElementProxies. I read there a different ways to find out, what a Proxy Element could be, like a Wall, Window or Door. But I think each CAD System/Project/Workflow is different and has own ways of marking a Proxy-Element as a Wall, Door or some Furniture (for example with some custom PropertySets).
But I can’t create for every case a “converter”. What is the best way to find out if a Proxy is a Wall or a Door or what else? Or I misunderstood something?
Hope some has a tipp!
Thanks and regards,
IfcBuildingElementProxy was meant to be used to classify objects that had no specification in the official IFC schema. An example might be defining a building sign in IFC4. Since there is no “IfcSign” or “IfcSignage”, You could assign it “IfcBuildingElementProxy” and set the Type to USERDEFINED and use “Building Signage” as the user-defined name.
If a software is using it for elements that do exist in the schema, like IfcDoor, IfcWindow, IfcWall, etc., then it sounds like either a limitation of the software or an error by the software user/model author. The concept of proxy elements has often been used for things like trees and natural foliage/plantings… again, things not explicitly defined in the schema.
Hi, thanks for yours answer!
Proxy should be an USERDEFINED Object. Unfortunately it is also defined as “Wall” in some cases and that what I don’ understand. I read there are different ways to find out, if that object is undefined or should has a specified Entity. I was hoping that there is some special keyword for a “userdefined wall”
You mentioned “If a software is using it for elements that do exist in the schema, like IfcDoor, IfcWindow, IfcWall, etc., then it sounds like either a limitation of the software or an error by the software user/model author”, maybe that’s the reason.
Thanks and regards,