@Hans_Lammerts an important thing to check if whether or not data is being preserved. For example, you may only see lines, but actually all the data is there. In the BlenderBIM Add-on, for example, indeed you only see lines, because that is what is defined in the IFC… however, the label, (e.g. A, B, 1, 2) is actually stored as data.
So for example, in the BlenderBIM Add-on 3D view, you only see lines, simply because that is the default style in that viewing mode (note: a future feature will be to draw labels in 3D too), but if you use the “generate drawing” mode feature in the BlenderBIM Add-on, it’ll then render out like this:
So as you can see, all the data is 100% preserved. Also, under the hood, it preserves styles on whether it is the U axis or V axis.
In contrast, Revit may “look” visually like grids, but actually it has destroyed the underlying data. For example, it has reset the name of the grid to “Default Grid”, and it has actually reversed the U axes and the V axes. In the original, UAxes are A and B, and VAxes are 1 and 2, but Revit will generate its own. The BlenderBIM Add-on preserves this in the outliner (and also supports WAxes). Note: tested with Revit 2020, latest IFC add-on. It also generates a new representation for the Grid itself (not each individual axis). In your particular example, this doesn’t matter, but in others, it will.
This data detail may not seem like much to a user who just wants to visually see results, but it is actually pretty important if we want to rely on IFC as a reliable data store.
To add to the party, FreeCAD also imports grids successfully. However, I think it has similar problems to Revit in that it will mangle the axes.
Screenshot from FreeCAD:
I think I understand now what you are looking for in BIMVision - it doesn’t show the individual axes in your screenshot. So it’s not the name that is missing (though technically, it actually is missing the name for the grid itself) - it’s actually the grid axes which are missing. Maybe someone with more experience in BIMVision can help.