Spatial Decomposition concept definition

Seems that there are some adjustments required for the concept “Spatial Decomposition” in the published schemas.

There is a note on this page:

NOTE The link between the project and the highest level spatial element is provided by this concept through IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure and not through declaration using IfcRelDeclares. This is a known anomaly intruduced to maintain compatibility with earlier versions of this standard.

Aside from the typo for “intruduced” it mentions the relationship IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure that can’t be related to a project (only an IfcSpatialElement). It also seems to me that the concept is nominating the name attribute to be involved which seems incorrect.

Thanks @jonm - it seems to be a mistake - the link between IfcProject and IfcSite (which normally is the highest spatial structure element) is handled by IfcRelAggregate. It should be corrected with the next documentation update.

Raised Fix documentation error on spatial decomposition · Issue #33 · buildingSMART/IFC4.3.x-development · GitHub

Btw @jonm I didn’t understand this one - can you clarify:

I wasn’t sure why the name attribute appeared in Figure 36 here:

Needs a review by others more experienced with concept templates than me.

I think it just shows all the attributes… not a bug I guess?