Pset_* and their property renamings

There are a lot of renamings for ifc-defined dynamic property sets, both in the property set names and the properties themselves.

E.g. Ifc4 Add2 Tc1 : Pset_BuildingElementProxyProvisionForVoid : Shape maps onto Ifc4x3 Add2 : Pset_ProvisionForVoid : VoidShape.

For developers, it’s very time consuming to figure this out. Can you provide a complete map of these renamings?

On importing an Ifc4 file in an Ifc4x3 program and exporting it as an Ifc4x3 file, all these renamings need to happen (automagically).

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Many of those renamings come from the changes applied from one IFC Schema version to the next. You can always check the Annex F ChangeLog. As you probably know, there are different types of version changes according to the model below:

Thank you for your answer.

It’s not really useful…

  • Obvious property renamings aren’t linked (e.g. Pset_ActuatorPHistory: Position => PositionHistory).
  • The generalization of e.g. Pset_BuildingElementProxyProvisionForVoid to e.g. Pset_ProvisionForVoid is also not linked.

Maybe @aothms can help in that regard.

We don’t have a complete map. We’re talking about changes occurring over a 10y time frame and we frankly just didn’t set that high of a standard in terms of psets, as compatibility for these was considered a secondary concern.

For developers, it’s very time consuming to figure this out. Can you provide a complete map of these renamings?

I agree. I know the blenderbim crew also maintains migration scripts around (maybe only schema). Maybe as a community we can work on this together in the form of a light weight json structure.