From our software (CADMATIC Building) is it possible to export walls to the IFC model two different ways.
First one is where wall is represented as single IFCWALLSTANDARDCASE object and each material layers are connected to the wall through IFCRELASSOCIATESMATERIAL → IFCMATERIALLAYERSETUSAGE → IFCMATERIALLAYERSET → IFCMATERLAYER and possible openings are connected to the wall through IFCRELVOIDSELEMENT → IFCOPENINGELE-MENT.
But sometimes could be more informative if each of wall’s material layers are represent-ed as separate IFCWALLSTANDARDCASE objects and these objects are combined into one IFCELEMENTASSEMBLY. On this case openings are connected to IFCELEMENTASSEMBLY, but it seems that some of IFC viewers cannot handle this kind of situation and walls with openings are visualized without any openings. For an example Solibri can handle both cases but Trimble Connect cannot (Trimle connect visualize only first case correctly).
Is it somehow “illegal” to connect openings to IFCELEMENTASSEMBLY?