IfcDocumentInformation could have an attribute GlobalId

Hi all,

we exchange documents in IfcZip containers with the class IfcDocumentInformation.


This class could have a GUID, so we can securly identify the documents.

Making documents rooted could extend the use even more. Property sets could add meta data and turn ifc into a basic DMS pointing to files on a file server. Nesting documents would allow parts of a plan sheet (viewports) to be referenced and associated to storeys (references are possible right now already, though).
Typing could generalize some pset usage, aggregation would allow to make document collections (contract documents, plan sets,…).
Approvals - though already possible now - would be even better with documents more tightly integrated into a building information database. Events could be added to set status information based on approvals.
Documents contain a lot of information about existing and yet to be built buildings.