October 4, 2019, 11:20pm
On this page it shows that SQLite is an experimental format.
Where can I find documentation on exactly what the table schema is, and what the foreign key relationships are? Also, where can I find published code that implements some form of this?
Hi Dion,
Some months ago I proposed: finishing IfcSQLite project as an “unfinished ” project in bSI
But …
Dear friends,
Do you think finishing some unfinished projects like IFC SQLite will help and speed up IFC development and implementation or not?
Some say yes and some say no
Would be happy to hear from you,
Kind regards,
Ehsan Azari
In IfcDoc you can choose SQLite to publish it in the documentation:
In IfcDoc you can export publications to any output you want
If need help let me know to explain the process
So the output would be HTML documentation plus formats you have chosen
Forum doesn’t let upload SQL file, so uploaded it here:
It seems that bSI has started to focus on UML, I hope UML 2, but again with Object-Oriented approach, so I think O-O is good, but relational approach or Object-Relational approach is better
However, @bsbock did an invaluable job and introduced 6 scenarios (which the scenario no.6 was the best one):
The idea behind storing IFC-data in a database:
What could be a way to store IFC-data in a relational database?
Strategy no. 1:
Store every IFC-File in a binary large object field.
(-) no advantage over files
(-) not searchable
(-) no rule checking
Strategy no. 2:
Store every IFC-STEP-line in a text-field.
(-) not searchable
(-) no rule checking
Strategy no. 3:
Store every not abstract Entity-classes (over 600) in its own table. Same with enumerations.
(+) high…
And mentioned that the existing approach in IfcDoc is the scenario no. 4 which is not good enough:
Thank you for upload, @ReD_CoDE !
The result looks like this:
GlobalId TEXT,
OwnerHistory INTEGER,
Name TEXT,
Description TEXT,
ObjectType TEXT);
UserDefinedRole TEXT,
Description TEXT);
IfcObject is abstract and IfcActorRole is derived from IfcObject, which contains only the attributes, that are not contained in IfcObject.
This is Strategy no. 4:
Store every inheritance-step in …
So, finally, he came with an invaluable solution:
This is a picture of a prototype of ifcSQL:
(A) The table in namespace (schema) “ifcDocumentation” is currently a placeholder for aditional html-Documentation of Entities, Types, etc.
(B) The tables in namespace “ifcInstance” contains ifc-data from many projects or libraries with rule-control by DML-trigger. The table EntityVariableName is used for storing variables of programming-code like IfcScript from @j…
I think with cooperation we will see an invaluable IFC SQLite/SQL
So, as you mentioned it needs support