IFC for relational databases - ifcSQL

The number of entities will reduce

At the moment in EXPRESS (SPF) and XML or RDF (OWL) and all other approaches (formats) we see these huge number of Entities (776), Defined Types (130), Enumeration Types (207), Select Types (60), Functions (47), Rules (2), Property Sets (420), Quantity Sets (93), and Individual Properties (1722)

So in SQLite these will be 60-70% of the existing

I say let’s drop IfcRoot, IfcOwnerHistory, and IfcObjectDefinition, …, and just have the end one
For instance an IfcWindow is just an entity → We can with “CLASSIFICATIONS” say that a window is an object, a product, an element, a building element

And I can’t understand what does this mean?

you can reference only to one other table, not to all inherited tables

So an SQLite table can’t have a lot of relationships to other tables and columns inside those tables?
And if has a lot of relationships will cause it to be unsearchable?

Will not work this methodology?

   IfcSite_id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT IfcSite_pk PRIMARY KEY,
   IfcSite_GlobalId varchar(128) NOT NULL,
   IfcSite_OwnerHistory integer,
   IfcSite_Name varchar(40),
   IfcSite_Description varchar(255),
   IfcSite_ObjectType integer,
   IfcSite_ObjectPlacement integer,
   IfcSite_Representation integer,
   IfcSite_LongName text,
   IfcSite_CompositionType varchar(40),
   IfcSite_RefLatitude varchar(20),
   IfcSite_RefLongitude varchar(20),
   IfcSite_RefElevation varchar(20),
   IfcSite_LandTitleNumber varchar(15),
   IfcSite_SiteAddress integer,
   ElementCompositionEnum_ElementCompositionEnum_id integer NOT NULL,
   IfcSite_Pset_LandRegistration integer,
   IfcSite_Pset_SiteCommon integer,
   IfcSite_Pset_PropertyAgreement integer,
   IfcSite_Pset_ThermalLoadAggregate integer,
   IfcSite_Pset_ThermalLoadDesignCriteria integer,
   IfcSite_Qto_SiteBaseQuantities integer,
   IfcSite_SpatialComposition integer NOT NULL,
   IfcSite_SpatialDecomposition integer NOT NULL,
   IfcSite_SpatialContainer integer NOT NULL,
   IfcSite_Placement integer NOT NULL,
   IfcSite_FootPrintGeomSetGeometry integer NOT NULL,
   IfcSite_SurveyPointsGeometry integer NOT NULL,
   IfcSite_BodyGeometry integer NOT NULL

I used Sentence case just be easy to read