We can make it as a table:
GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType, RefLatitude, RefLongitude, RefElevation, LandTitleNumber, SiteAddress
And also add relationships as columns in this table and also Psets and Qsets, etc
In many cases the number of entities will reduce
For instance, you will have just IfcPerson and IfcOrganisation tables and if IfcActor table when has both ThePerson and TheOrganisation then inside the Actor table system will autocomplete as IfcPersonAndOrganisation
So we can drop IfcPersonAndOrganisation completely even
IFC SQLite will cause a lite and better structured IFC schema if we all work on it to develop it
As I know “select” is not any issue in relational detabases like MySQL and for sure in SQLite, we can act with them as “picklists” in Excel
1:1 or 1:M or M:M relationships will cause database or IFC schema be unsearchable?
Then you don’t need to have 130 “Defined Types” you can manage them with “DATA TYPES”
207 Enumeration Types will become tables
60 Select Types will reduce and will manage them as “autocomplete”
776 Entities will reduce and will become tables with relationships, "especially if focus on “END ENTITIES”