IFC 4x1 file containing alignment is not opening in Civil 3D

Hi! I am working on a highway project in a software named ProVI v6.2. I exported an alignment from this project using the IFC 4x1 format file (.ifc file). Then I tried to import that IFC file into Civil 3D 2022. The importing process was carried out smoothly but at the end nothing is visible. I tried zoom extent but nothing appeared. Is there anyone who has exported an alignment using ProVI to Civil 3D or any other software?

Please not that, I successfully exported the ground and corridor surface from ProVI to Civil 3D without any problem using the IFC 2x3 format but as you know alignments can only be exported using the IFC 4x1 format.

I don’t understand. When i worked in railway engineering we used provi. At the time it was based on dwg. I think it still is. Why ifc?

Hi @Anis,

IFC4.1 was withdrawn as an official IFC schema because it very quickly further evolved to IFC4.2 and eventually, the new official candidate IFC4.3. Support for IFC4.1 was short-lived and not certified by bSI, so results from any software exporting IFC4.1 files is a shot in the dark. I suggest you take the issue up with ProVI.

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