1 - Introduction
- Simplified UML > why not use actual UML? The arrows in the diagram overlap and can lead to ambiguity. The arrows don’t reflect on the UML relations of composition, aggregation and composition
- (ISO 2016) > is this a citation reference? This is clearly not the ISO number (“Capillary solder fittings for copper tubes”).
7 - flatting IFC ROOT HEURACHY
- Hiearchy
- ifcProject, ifcSite, IfcBuilding >> set to same Capitalisation
11 - Property exclusions
- SPFF data > Are you referring to STEP of Spreadsheet Physical File Format?
12 - Property Units
- Only single values are properly catered for
- Ensure that all units are expressed in software-interpretable format, e.g. V, Volt, Volts, volt?
- NULL value for unitless. Is that “n/a” as a string?
13 - Data Types
- Five data types, but I count more: A, L, R, E, D, G, NULL, Classification?
13.1 - Numeric
- “Every bSI Chapter … shall provide a list” > Why not aim for international alignment? I don’t think the software vendors will adjust their software separately for each “chapter” (and I don’t think the Chapters are the right place to define this anyway).
- “2 significant digits” > Is this meant as referring to the amount of decimal places? A length of 1234 mm has four significant digits. And is this sufficient for small measures? E.g. membrane thickness when your unitcontext for length is expressed in meters? Table
- [1] refers to what? The 20. REFERENCES are not numbered
- Why not go straight to UTF-8? That would make it immediately applicable in many countries which have accented characters. ASCII character codes are very limited in an international context.
- Reference Data types > wouldn’t a URI/URL be a more flexible way to included references? Or is this strictly limited to having references between the worksheets in the Excel workbook?
- Which of the ‘five’ data types is this?
- By enforcing a Classification worksheet, every file should embed the whole classification reference (up to thousands of values) in the spreadsheet!
- Each bSI chapter shall identify the default set of classifications. This is not the role of the Chapter. This is defined on national, regional or even project-specific level. And many countries don’t have a “nationally agreed” classifcation.
- NULL data type or “n/a” makes it impossible to validate spreadsheet cells to e.g. numeric values.
- “All vendors shall document periodicity of the random number generator” > Who’s task is this? The developer of the FM Handover plugin for BIM software? The developer of the software library used by the plugin? Microsoft/Apple/Google … when you are using their operating system libraries to generate a random number?
14 workbook structure
- “Software vendors shall submit published literature” Explain? Is a manual of blog post or online support article a “published literature”?
14.10 Reference Fields
- Model Object - IFC Entity Name > Is this referring the the IFC Entity in the scheme? Or the “IfcRoot.Name” attribute?
- Company Worksheet > Organization worksheet
- Figure 4 > 8
- Figure 5 > 9
The numbers referring to the tables are all shifted in the following sections (15.4, 15.5, 15.6 etc…)
15.7 ZONE
- “Every Space.Name row shall not be required to be identified in each Zone.Category” > You may want to rephrase this sentence. I couldn’t figure it out after re-reading…
15.9 TYPE
- “IFC Type Objects explicitly identified as allowed shall not be included…” What is meant here? “not explicitly identified”? The meaning of this sentences seems to be the opposite of what you are stating.
- Why not requiring property sets? Is the name of the property unique, that is, if two property sets use the same name for a property, is this assumed to represent the same value?
15.16 LOOKUP
- All mappings to Lookup Classification Fields as “number and name”. Is this only the internal spreadsheet lookup number (index)? As most classification system references are strings and not numbers.
- The “Tables” from Figure 7 onwards need proper proof-reading. The pairs of MVD mappings and specifications have some reordering issues (not using the same column order or character).
- Tables are best numbered as Tables and not as Figures.
- In all the Tables, the “ModelSoftware” is repeated (for every Organization, Building, Type…). Isn’t this redundant information? Or is it anticipated that every single object may come from different software? Wouldn’t a reference to the source-model or file be more relevant in that case?
Figure 8
- IfcOrganization.Label > IfcOrganization.Name
- IfcOrganization.GlobalId does not exist
- IfcPostalAddress > from Building or from Site? Or is that up to the user
- Modelsoftware > from the IfcOwnerHistory.OwningApplication or LastModifyingApplication?
Figure 9
- M - Street does not conform to Figure 8
- From I on the order is wrong (H, I, J…)
Figure 11
- LinearUnit > LinearUnits
- AreaUnit > AreaUnits
Figure 12
- IfcBuildigStorey > IfcBuildingStorey
Figure 14
- fcSpace > IfcSpace
Figure 21
- Several columns are different from Figure 20
- ProcurementType - AssetType
- ModelObject - ModelProjectObject
- ModelID - ModelProjectID
- Last three columns have different order from Figure 20
(I stopped checking afterwards - you get the idea)
- Ifc2x4 and IFC 4.3? What version of the scheme is this referring to?
- The rest of the tables are simply repeating Entities and enumerations and their descriptions from the MVD. I don’t see the point in including this in a PDF table which is not interesting for the reader and not usable for machine-interpretation.
- Figure 50 > there is a problem with the DOOR (repeated as PredefinedType)
- Figure 51 > USERDEFINED - description? Is this meant as the string to use in the ObjectType when PredefinedType is set to USERDEFINED? Need a better way to expressing that (but a textual table in a PDF is not the right way, see above)
- Similar remark in other figures (e.g. Figure 57, 63, …, 68, 84, 89, 92,…)
- ISO reference is not including the ISO number 10303