This issue is present both in version 4.3 RC2 and 2x3 TC1, so I’m guessing all version inbetween are affected too.
Both specifications have a table listing the possible values for RepresentationType
, in which SolidModel
is described as
including swept solid, Boolean results and Brep bodies; more specific types are:
One of the more specific types is CSG
, which includes Boolean results.
However, in WR24 (from IFC 2x3, which corresponds to CorrectItemsForType
in IFC 4.3), function IfcShapeRepresentationTypes
is referenced, which only counts instances of entities that are subtypes of IfcSolidModel when RepType = 'SolidModel'
. This excludes instances of IfcBooleanResult.
EDIT: In theory, in IFC 2x3 Boolean results could be wrapped in an IfcCsgSolid in order to be used with RepType = 'SolidModel'
, the problem is that IfcCsgSolid is not included in CoodinationView 2.0 so it can’t be done in practice. I don’t know if this is the case for newer versions of the specification.