Adding texture maps to IFC models

Hello. I’m currently an architecture student at RWTH University, and since last week I’m working on a research project about how to add texture maps like normal maps, bump maps or displacement maps to IFC models. My professor Jackob Beetz gave me a research project by Ilkin Kavi (@yorgunkirmizi ) about UV mapping for IFC models. I want to continue her work and try to get to the point where she was at the end of the project. She described that her BlenderBIM add-on and FZKViewer have been modified so she can add image textures to the IFC models and look at them in FZKViewer.

I am new to IFC data and just have a little bit of experience in programming with Python. At the moment, I know that the code has been changed, but I do not know where the changes were made to get the same results as her. Even the example files for the visualization of UV maps in FZKViewer are missing or I can’t find them.

Since Ilkin Kavi mentioned that @Moult helped her to do the changes on BlenderBIM I would like to ask if you could help me with this topic.
I’m grateful for any help I can get!

Thank you in advance.

G’day! I’m more than happy to help. @yorgunkirmizi did a great job on what was a very challenging task, and played a pivotal role into helping define how IFC4X3 now deals with textures.

What type of help are you after? I can also be contacted live on the OSArch chat room:

I was able to recreate the UV and texture mapping of @yorgunkirmizi project. I created a GitHub repository with the changed code that has been placed inside the code of BlenderBIM. The code Ilkin Kavi used 2 years ago did not work where she placed it. I changed the position in the code and adjusted the last line of her code so it works again. The PDF inside the repository is supposed to explain the workflow on how to create and use UV and texture maps with IFC. You can find the repository here: