Qset for basic quantities: Qset_QuantityTakeOff ?

Hi All,

I need to aggregate basic quantities for an element into some defined structure. Theres was a promising ‘Pset_QuantityTakeOff’ in the IFC2x3, but it vanished away.

For ‘basic quantities’ I mean Height, Length, Width, Area, NetVolume, GrossVolume etc. Some of these can be accessed via Qset_*Common, but not for all element types. So for data analysis, I would like to retrieve properties from the constant locations.

The problem is, that models from different software and designers present these properties in different Psets, often in malformed names and data types. Like ‘Dimension’ and ‘Electrical’ Psets from Revit or ‘ArchiCADQuantities’.
What I can do right now is copy values to a predefined P|Qset in an IFC file. I assume it is safe as long as the initial values are preserved and the rules are known.