
While attending the bsI in Düsseldorf, there was a presentation about the IfcProvisionVoids. A very interesting subject which I would like to give feedback if needed.

We have a real project where our team has successfuly communicated via IFC the subject of ProvisionVoids. Because we used the IFC2x3, we communicated these elements as Proxies, but with additional P_Sets to define certain necessary properties. We even have a RuleSet in SolibriModelChecker to control the validity of the Voids (Proxy Elements) if they fit in the cut openings of the structural engineer and the architect :+1:

In addition I have generated a BPMN to help understand the processes of exchanging such information.

So, if someone from the team developing this subject (in the BuildingRoom) is interested…please contact me.

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Thank you for reaching out! I can try help you getting in contact with them, but Im not sure what presentation that was, do you remember what session? Maybe @mirbek.bekboliev can help?


Hi Anne,
I have tried to find out who did the presentation, in order to contact him/them. Sadly on the presentation slides there is no direct contact to that person. So far no luck.
Is there maybe a list of presentators which could give a hint?

Dear @agron,

sorry for such a long delay with the hint.

If you still have an access to a bSI ShareFile, then you would find that presentation within the 2019_03-Dusseldorf-> 4.1 bSI General -> bG5 Folder.

Cheers, Mirbek