ISO 7817-3 (under development) and IDS

Given that ‘ISO 7817 Part 3 will be a standard on a schema to enable a machine-readable definition of the level of information need framework’, has bSI ever mentioned a connection with the IDS standard?

Recently, @berlotti shared an execellent set slides during the Q&A of his webinar about IDS using VENN diagrams to show overlappings between the different Information Requirement frameworks.

buildingSMART International has a liaison with CEN/TC 442 (the committee where the ISO 7817 series is developed). They are invited to join the meetings of the related working groups.

Rest assured that the people in this CEN working group (myself included) are conscious about IDS and we look at its position towards the level of information need standard. We’ve also received questions from reviewers to clarify the relation between both approaches, which have a related but different scope.

I’ll leave it to buildingSMART to clarify their viewpoint.

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Thanks, Stefan.
Let’s wait for some additional comments from bSI here, too.