IfcWallElementedCase (Deprecated?)

Dear All,

herewith I would like to forward following inquiry on IfcWallElementedCase, which is marked as “Deprecated”. See screenshot below ->

Source: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4/ADD2_TC1/HTML/link/ifcwallelementedcase.htm

According to our member, this type is actually the perfect description for a compound element. Is there any reason why this type should not be used anymore?

On the other hand I found a Wall elemented case https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4/ADD2_TC1/HTML/annex/annex-e/wall-elemented-case.htm, which can be found under the IfcElementAssembly. In that case do we have to refer to this Entity? In other words replace with IfcElementAssembly? But in that case there is no suitable enumeration for that!

Could anyone please clarify mentioned Deprecation reason? Its important for Timber and Steel Construction groups.

Greetings from Germany,


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Unless they will have to use IfcWallTypeEnum -> ELEMENTEDWALL (A stud wall framed with studs and faced with sheetings, sidings, wallboard, or plasterwork.)
Source: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4/ADD2_TC1/HTML/schema/ifcsharedbldgelements/lexical/ifcwalltypeenum.htm
Is that right?

There was a discussion several years ago around the various *standardcase elements. Originally (when ifc4 was being created), there was an intention to move towards more standard cases (which you can see in the implementation). However, the general feeling was that the name of the entity didn’t actually help anything. In other words, you can use the description of the IfcWallElementedCase with an IfcWall; if the data is there, a receiving system should be able to use it. I think the trend in IFC is to have fewer entities, but still keep the intelligence.


The enumeration of the PredefinedType should be used instead.
But that´s theory, in reality many files I have seen are using IfcWall without the correct PredefinedType.
Unfortunatelly less entities and intelligence is lost!

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