IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid does not consistently orient the swept profile

I chose “Coordination Model View 2.0” without really knowing what the limitations were. I suspect I should be using “Design Transfer View”. Which raises the question… How would I know? A developer has no insight into what’s allowed in an MVD. I suppose developers could read the MVD, but I suspect that nobody does that. It doesn’t help that the documentation site is broken as well as mentioned in: The IFC4 documentation website is broken

The fact that the vendors don’t then flag that a type is not allowed in the specified MVD drives home the fact that vendors aren’t properly supporting MVDs on import either. One would expect import errors logged with a message like “Entities of type IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid are not supported in model view definition Coordination Model View 2.0.”

I would also expect that if an entity did load, supported in the MVD or not, that at least it would show up according to the spec.