
Where i can i personally try to avoid any of these abbreviations. It creates many confusion.

Level x
Industry x

These abbreviations don’t cause confusion

The majority of them and their goals are clear, but do you know, “change is painful, so normally many try to avoid”

However, all big changes has happened through small groups who knew what they wanted and weren’t following norms

I won’t follow technologies and methodologies that are based on 30-10 years ago

What “norm” is it that you don’t follow, and i do?

I don’t talk about you Hans, please don’t see this personal

I just say we need new methodologies and technologies, and IFC improvements

And I think I shared enough about everything

About SysML/UML about Modelica and what am I want today? Which I think some bSI friends realized

There’s almost 3-4 years I follow “System of Systems” goal and I think today technology gives us enough power to build platforms that support many things that were separated before

It’s the time for combine, not integrate, GIS, BIM (BLM), PLM, 

So, IFC “can” be the main choice if has improvements and be update

Nothing personal. Just trying to understand your plans and struggles with ifc

We’ve focused on:

  • Procedural Design --> Everything Nodes (Blender)
  • Modeling and Simulation-based Systems Engineering (M&SBSE), SysML+Modelica
  • Combining GIS, BIM (BLM), and PLM (I know something better than Aras)
  • Web-based solutions like glTF/WebGL
  • A CDE based on integrated distributed method, which causes each software be something like Fog and central CDE be like Cloud
  • So on

Also, like VFX industry and its software I want IfcOwnerHistory supports all logs that end user be able to has a full control on her/his design and implementation efforts. Be able to come back to the nodes she/he wants and changes them easily. Like what we see in video/cinematic production

Sounds like we’re on different paths indeed

I don’t know what’s your path, but if it’s AI-based, should say that today AI is a general “material” in every solution

But AI is a general word, the solution and the method matter most