IFC Sample Files on GitHub

Hi all,
I’m not a programmer so maybe make a mistake, however, I think it’s better to try:

  1. First of all, it seems that we’re going to build a “web-based” IfcDoc which sounds great

  2. So, what about “microservices” and “Function as a service (FaaS)” and choosing some services like “AWS Lambda” which gives us the feasibility to breakdown the IFC schema to small parts/functions and work on each one and improve them constantly, with any language we want, like C#, C++, Java, Python, PHP, etc

  3. I think we can categorize IFC-STEP in two-three parts:

A. Data and information (TYPE): Which I think the majority of them are DataTypes and Enums that can convert them to MySQL tables/lists and also SQLite (Which is vital for IoT approaches) - SQL and NoSQL

B. Geometries: Which it seems that had a huge improvement in IFC4 and I don’t know well about. Still, is it based on Compound Solid Geometry (CSG), Boundary Representation (B-Rep), and Swept Geometry (Sweep Volume)? Or something added or improved?
So, is there any web-based technologies like WebGL (asm.js) or even WebAssembly to have lite web-based geometry (if possible in client-side)?

C. Functions: Which I think should be translated to other aforementioned languages too

  1. Are we going to build IFC X RVs and DTVs?