In our project there are several levels that are almost but not completely the same. We have 4 BuildingStorey which can be the first floor and 4 which can be the second floor. (I know)
In the documentation I read that an IfcBuildingStorey could be decomposed into multiple parts. That makes sense. But I’ve never seen it in an IFC or IFC viewer. Are there any examples, or does anyone have an example of what this would look like from a user perspective?
I expect something like this in an IFC viewer:
1 IFC Model
2 IFC Site
3 IFC Building
4.1 IFC BuildingStorey 1st Floor
5.1 1st Floor Part A
- Elements
5.2 1st Floor Part B
- Elements
5.3 1st Floor Part C
- Elements
5.4 1st Floor Part D
- Elements
4.2 IFC BuildingStorey 2nd Floor … etc.
In this case I can select the whole 1st Floor. But also parts of it if I need to
The only thing I know is something like this.
1 IFC Model
2 IFC Site
3 IFC Building
4.1 IFC BuildingStorey 1st Floor Part A (eg 2890+)
- Elements
4.2 IFC BuildingStorey 1st Floor Part B (eg 2930+)
- Elements
4.3 IFC BuildingStorey 1st Floor Part C (eg 2950+)
- Elements
4.4 IFC BuildingStorey 1st Floor Part D (eg 2960+)
- Elements
4.5 IFC BuildingStorey 2nd Floor … etc.
In this case I can only select 1 part of the 1st Floor.