New Orleans, Louisiana, USA native working in Dublin, Ireland influencing the adoption of OpenBIM - ISO 16739 IFC based integrated practice and delivery through major corporations, government agencies, universities, and CEN/TC442 BIM ISO standards development group, e.g. Intel, Pfizer, Mylan, Roche, Eirgen, PepsiCo, Corona, SPX, Kerry Group, US Embassy, Dublin Airport Authority, Irish Water, AIB, Grangegorman Development Agency, National Standards Organization Ireland, Dublin Institute of Technology, Construction IT Alliance, Trinity College Dublin, University of Luxembourg, Zigurat Global BIM Masters Program, etc.
CTO, Chief Scientist, Co-Founder at BIM&Scan Ltd. and BIM Development Director and PI of R&D at MMA Consulting Engineers Dublin, Ireland.
Create/Manage IFC based IDM processes with advanced MVD information exchanges for whole organization. Novel integrated BCF collaboration methods for design implementation and design review.
Develop international open standard based BIM requirements for owners, stakeholders, and clients (OIR, EIR, AIR, BEP, CDE, Verification and Validation Reports).
Implements BIM and VDC through industry practice on global scale.
Specialize in IFC MVD contracted information exchange’s: COBie, HVACie, WSie, and Eie.
Design and develop innovative OpenBIM cloud-based software solutions for the built environment.
Leads teams in problem solving and critical thinking through design and implementation of new algorithms and workflow processes.
Applied Research Scientist that creates novel tools for automatic correction of semantic rich virtual worlds to match the corresponding real world objects of interest.
Recently finished Enterprise Ireland supported R&D: Scan&BIM Software Application and Web-Based BimServer: Integrating 3D Sensing and BIM Technologies for Supervised Object Recognition and Automated Dimensional Compliance Control.
R&D above lead to commercial product: BIM & Scan® AutoCorr™ V1.3
In the process of creating a BIM-to-BIM Cyber Physical System.