How is a IfcPropertySet related to its IfcPropertySetTemplate?

the question is whether there is a possibility for a “direct” relation (…typo “elated”->“related”;):

The documentation on has “Figure 131 — Property template relationships”:

There doesn’t seem to be a “direct relationship” between IfcPropertySingleValue and IfcSimplePropertyTemplate.

A “real life scenario” for this, as I understand it, could be the following:

  • typos in property Name, e.g. if you wanted to fix a type in PropertyTemplate Name “PresureRating” to “Pressure rating”, there’s no “primary key” to do this, because the name is the “primary key”.

  • other changes of property names, for whatever reasons.

(On the other hand: I guess this is intentional, in order to minimize “bloat”?!
If you referenced every property (by ID or GlobalId?!) this would increase file sizes?!)